The Pawesome media star
Dean Nicholson, a welder from Dunbar, packed his job in to travel the world on his bike. His original plan was to bike through Europe with his buddies. But, when Dean came across a stray cat on the side of the road three months in, his adventure took on a unique trajectory.

He left Scotland and traveled to Amsterdam, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia. And, then to Bosnia which is where he met his little striped travel companion.

Dean was worried that the cat would be run over or grabbed by a predator. so, he put her into the pocket on the facade of his bicycle. As he started cycling she leaped out, climbed onto his shoulders, and immediately nodded off around his neck. Despite the fact of being a dog person, his heart was prevailed upon by the cat whom he named Nala, after Simba’s cherished companion in The Lion King.

He said: “She has shown me just to dial back and appreciate life much more. Having her on the bicycle her necessities start things out and it dialed the visit back and we even pause and play a ton. She cherishes running on the seashore and playing in the woods.

Wherever they go, Dean and Nala stand out. Neighborhood individuals are in amazement of the little murmuring traveler who goes in a crate on the facade of Dean’s bicycle or on his shoulder.

They have become online media sensations, piling up 800,000 supporters on Instagram and around 1,000 messages per day. Their 150,000 endorsers on YouTube acquire sufficient publicizing cash to keep them going in bicycle fixes and feline food. Nala even has her own calendar and presently a book outlining their experiences.
Well, all we could say now is that these two improbable media stars certainly have a “pawesome” future.